Lukeyboysonic's blogpage


Welcome to my blogpage.

Lukeyboysonic is giving you posts with images, posts, videos and polls and more.

You can check out my links of my left hand side of the page.

Thanks for looking at my blog page and i hope we see each other soon. Bye Bye

Tuesday 11 March 2008

For DDR Fans Out There.

Let me introduce the DDR: 10 year anniversay show created by Lukeyboysonic (That's me). It will be on YouTube and on this special show I will be guiding you to the history of DDR, Some classic DDR music and I will be counting down the Top 40 greatest DDR songs of all time voted by you.

On Zenius-I-Vanisher, i will be giving you different topics every week that relates to DDR. Some/Most may have repeats and if you're complaining about it. TOUGH!!.

It will begin in a few months time and I will be making plans for the episodes, if you have any ideas just leave a comment on Z-I-V ''DDR: 10 year anniversary show ideas'' and leave a reply as good as you can. Nobody should argue with me, being gobby at me or say that this is the worse idea.

Any questions leave a private message to me as soon as possible.


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